Category: General

Statement on Kimberly Casey Coden-Diskin Sentencing

Dr. Bogners Statement Regarding Casey Diskin’s Prosecution Includes clarifications of associations On December 3rd, 2024, I stood in the Livingston County Courthouse alongside courageous parents who have spent years seeking justice for their children defrauded by Casey Diskin and the Oxford Recovery Center, now The Oxford Center (ORC). Casey Diskin, a convicted felon who Dr. …

The Adrenochrome Hypothesis in Autism

The case of Adrenochrome in autism spectrum disorders Several small-scale studies conducted in the 1950s and 1960s reported that oxidized adrenaline metabolites, e.g. adrenochrome and adrenolutin, triggered psychotic reactions such as thought disorder and derealization when administered to healthy volunteers. We present adrenochrome and adrenolutin’s biochemical properties, and their possible role in higher cortical dysfunction …

New Insights: Mold in ASD blood?

New Insights: Mold in ASD blood? Christian Bogner, MD Reading time: 5 minutes One of the World’s most renowned mold expert, Dr. Neil Nathan, reminded us in his book “Toxic” that millions of people are effected with mold toxicity, yet are entirely unaware if its existence. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of patients affected with …

Mold & Autism

Mycotoxins & Autism Fig 1 – 3D rendering of mold with release of its (myco)toxins   Reading time: 5 minutes Over the last 10 years I have been looking for solutions for patients affected with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Having explored countless approaches, some good and some not, I feel that we are finally getting …

Mechanisms of Disease

Mechanisms of disease Part 1: Overview The Difference is in the Details The below model can not only be applied to autism, but likely many auto-immune or chronic diseases. If the GI system is inflamed (there are books written about what can inflame your gut mucosa), toxins and protein start to overwhelm the liver and …

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