How harmful is Glyphosate to your health?
Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide that controls broadleaf weeds and grasses. It has been registered as a pesticide in the U.S. since 1974. Commonly used in agriculture, Glyphosate and Roundup are not one and the same, after all. The active ingredient is just one part of a chemical cocktail that makes up the herbicide—and some research suggests that its complete formulation is more toxic to cells than glyphosate is by itself. So how does Glyphosate affect the microbiome of your gut and, what does that do to your health?
On today’s podcast, we briefly discuss the history of glyphosate, the evidence of disease and the gravity of the problem.
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All right. Today we’re going to go a little bit deeper, down further, and talk about issues that potentially are contributing to your health, or lack thereof, or your loved one. We’re going to talk about a little known chemical that is called glyphosate, and how that is in everything you are likely consuming. It’s everywhere in the world, and it’s got a huge financial investment behind it. This is a pretty interesting one.
But wanted to go into some of the science. Glyphosate, commonly known as Roundup, that’s the common name of the product. The commercial name for glyphosate use is Roundup. Probably a lot of listeners, you’ve used it around your home or your business in killing weeds. There’s various versions of it, but this chemical… Dr. Bogner will go a little bit deeper into it, but the chemical itself is also utilized for a lot of agriculture and crops, and it goes along with a seed that is genetically modified, that is resistant to Roundup.
The premise is to use the seed to grow the crop. Let’s just say it’s corn. You spray it with Roundup. It’s going to kill off all of the other invasive species that would be in the crop and allow that other crop, the modified seed to grow and flourish. But what has been found and has been proven in a court of law is it does get into the agriculture, to the products at a cellular level from the ground, and it’s consumed, and it ends up coming forth in our products that we eat. Even if you were to get produce, let’s say it’s not organically grown, but it’s regular produce. You’re eating it, and so you’re getting some of these molecules or this product in your biome of your gut that is now killing off potentially good biome, good bacteria that you need to have the balance in your gut, in your ecosystem itself. That creates a chain effect of a lot of health ailments that you would be experienced to. We’ve learned a lot about this over the years, and we’ve seen direct correlation to where it’s being found everywhere. Around Cheerios, hair products, a lot of things that humans are putting on themselves.
Now, Bobby Kennedy Jr, who’s an attorney and also a environmental activist, led a court case against Monsanto at the time, which was then sold to Bayer, about Roundup for a gentleman that was a maintenance or a landscaper for a municipal or a school service in California, and for many years used the product and came down with cancer, and he actually won the case. So, proven in a court of law that it was correlated back to the gentleman’s cancer and his health ailments.
Dr. Bogner:
So go a little bit more into… You got a big stack of papers there with some highlighters all over it. Let’s go a little bit more into about glyphosate, and I guess history of it, and lead into about health ailments that are known and what you see in your practice, and with a lot of your patients all over the world.
Dr. Bogner:
Dr. Bogner:
In the 70s, they banned the Agent Orange, the DDT, and then in the 80s, they started to sell glyphosate. They patented this actually as an antibiotic, and they started to sell this to the consumers for their lawns, for their driveways. Then in 1996, they did Roundup, which is a glyphosate mixed with other chemicals, actually making the glyphosate even more toxic. Eventually, it became generic, so other companies started to produce glyphosate, so it’s not just Monsanto. It’s primarily coming out of China, cheaper versions.
Like I said, it’s showing up everywhere. About 2 billion kilograms are used worldwide, not only on corn or soy, but also on wheat, on beet, on cotton, on canola and alfalfa. It’s a big concern. The EPA says, or Monsanto, they say it’s not harmful to humans because the exact mechanism of glyphosate is that it inhibits an enzyme in plants and in bacteria that are responsible for producing amino acids. It’s called the shikimate pathway. The shikimate pathway produces things like tyrosine and tryptophan, and those are very important building blocks for things like neurotransmitters or protein. While they claim it’s not harmful to humans because humans do not have a shikimate pathway, but that’s partly incorrect because our bacteria, they do have this pathway. When we inhibit this enzyme with glyphosate, then the bacteria won’t produce what they were supposed to produce. I mean, bacteria produce vitamins, for example. A key enzyme for the assembly of vitamin B12 in the body, for example, is not found in plants or animals, but it’s just found via the production of some of our gut bacteria.
Over the years, there have been many, many studies, independent studies not coming from Monsanto or the government. For example, the biggest evidence that we have is from the IARC. It’s the International Agency for Research on Cancer. It’s a subcommittee from the WHO, and they’re headquartered in France. They have basically looked at a thousand publications of glyphosate, and very closely looked at about 250 references, and concluded that overall, after the evaluation, glyphosate is considered Group 2A, “probably carcinogenic to humans.”
In regards to cancer, we specifically have evidence of cancer of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, breast cancer, because glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor, so it raises your levels of estrogen. But when we look at cancer being the kind of end of the road, well along the path you have a lot of other issues. We have leaky gut. We have evidence of fatty liver. We have evidence of mineral deficiencies, inflammation in general, and a whole bunch of other conditions that are directly linked to glyphosate. It’s a big problem in regards to human health.
Many say, “Well, it was introduced in 1996, was used more and more so it ended up in our vaccines and foods. Is there correlation between the exploding rates of autism with the use of glyphosate?” The naysayers say, “Well, correlation does not equal causation,” however, hasn’t really been disproven either. So in that regards, glyphosate is a central mechanism, in my opinion, for the cause of autism and a lot of other diseases. I’m working closely with Stephanie Seneff to write a paper currently, and she has published on this with Anthony Samsel, who’s an independent researcher. She’s an MIT professor, and her studies are spot on. I mean, she talks about the chemistry of this and the evidence that we have, and puts it all together. You can’t rebuttal that. It’s clear as day.
Unfortunately, I see it as a money maker. It’s profit driven by corporations for profit. The whole history of organic farming, they just throw a couple GMO seats into your fields, prove it in court and sue you, and then give you the option to either join the GMO train or go bankrupt. It’s very aggressive agenda. I think at this point, we could integrate the problems that it has also caused. For example, it appears that 92% of the crops in North America are contaminated with more than one mold toxin, so the genetic modification of corn create these super molds because the corn or the soy doesn’t have a functional immune system anymore. If you kill all the bacteria, you can’t find a fight of fungi, and so that’s another huge problem is as the mold that grows on these GMO corns worldwide, with toxins that influence our immune system.
I think that can be argued. Is it inadvertently happening, or is it just a byproduct of the focal product and what that source is? But, I think it’s the deep rooting of that business and the lobbyists, and the amount of money that’s going in there into obviously agriculture, worldwide, food dependencies. There’s so many programs out there, and that’s a very, very large topic throughout the world of people being able to have food and water.
Interesting enough is I was just going to search in Google. I type in glyphosate and with the space, the auto suggests that I get is glyphosate herbicide toxicity, glyphosate food concentrate, glyphosate weed killer, glyphosate free oats, glyphosate free honey. Those are the things that are being populated because of other people’s searches in popularity of doing so. It’s interesting that it’s enough that many people out there are looking for, but the educated ones are going deeper, looking at glyphosate free oats or glyphosate free honey, and that there’s people marketing products out there in regards to it, even Manuka, and a lot of stuff out of New Zealand and other aspects. It’s now becoming a marketing aspect for businesses to latch onto, in regards to it.
Dr. Bogner:
Dr. Bogner:
Dr. Bogner:
It conclusively can be stated as suggestively common sense, right? It’s not conclusive because we don’t have all these larger parties and again, there’s too much money behind the use of the product, in correlation with other patented products as well. When I went further with my search as well in news, ironically, there’s a lot of news results, but again, from a marketing standpoint, people getting on the trend. Six tasty cereals that don’t contain glyphosate, the weed killing chemical linked to cancer. So it’s definitely not a punishable headline, in regards to something like that because it was linked to cancer and there was a court case that was finalized with that, but people even getting heavily organics announces bio checked, glyphosate free certification on 100% organic raw honey varieties. Now this is a marketable thing. Of course, glyphosate found an Iowa honey. FDA testing finds weed killer residue in honey instant oatmeal. So, that’s why we’re seeing more articles about stuff like that.
Dr. Bogner:
Get this. It was about eight years ago, when I was still working as a busy OBGYN. For first pregnancy visit, we had samples of prenatal vitamins, all kinds of different varieties. One popular one was Bayers’ One A Day. I looked at the ingredients and I’m like, all right, there’s all the vitamins. Then you look at other ingredients and it’s the last thing on the whole package. It said soy. I’m like, “Oh, my God. It doesn’t say organic soy.” I sent it in for analysis to a lab that checked anything that you wanted to send in for the parts per million of glyphosate and sure enough, the prenatal vitamins contain glyphosate.
Dr. Bogner:
So again, I think if we get out of the scientific and talk more to the parents… I like to always joke with Dr. Bogner as I need you to dumb it down to me like a seven-year-old on some of the things that he says. But it comes down to the fact of if you spray this product on your lawn and weeds around your house and it kills it within hours, and you have traces, small… At least you spill some on your hand. Would you lick your finger? Eventually, that gets into your digestive tract. The very simple premise of knowing you have a microbiome that’s very dynamic. It’s balanced.
There’s good and there’s negative bacteria that works in harmony together to process a lot of things inside of your body, but now you’re putting something in there that actually kills. It’s like a blanket kill. It’s carpet bomb. Do you think that’s not going to affect you? After you consume foods that are told to you by government, agencies are very clean and safe for you to eat, like I’m reading an article on Healthline right now. Cheerios, that you’re starting your day with, a healthy breakfast, and it may not be that simple. Does that mean Cheerios cause cancer? There’s no definitive proof. Some regulatory agencies contend to level glyphosate and popular cereals are too low to be a health risk. What’s too low? What about when you consume that?
Well, I guess having a cigar every once in a while, celebratory cigar wouldn’t leave nicotine in my body that would hurt me when I’m going to get tested for a life insurance rate, correct? No, it would. These are all things that are going to be detrimental to the health of one, and I think you got to start to become smarter and think more about it. I encourage our listeners, when you’re at the supermarket, think about this conversation. When you’re cooking a meal and you’re looking at some of those cute little beautiful eyes, or some of the older ones that you love and dear, and you’re putting together your meal, think about those products that you’re opening that are pre-packaged, canned somewhere, boxed somewhere, just add hot water type of scenario. Read the back of the box. Look at a lot of the words and the phrases you can’t understand or even pronounce, and what those actually make up and do. But when you look at the main ingredients, even some of them that are simple, like soybeans that was in the prenatal vitamin, what could that contain? Could that potentially be harmful to you and your loved ones?
Dr. Bogner:
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